Numerical Simulation of
the Fountain Flow Problem for Viscoelastic Fluids
Toru Sato* and Stephen M. Richardson
Department of Chemical Engineering and
Chemical Technology,
Imperial College, Prince Consort Road,
London SW7 2BY, U.K.
Fountain flow for isothermal viscoelastic fluids is
simulated by a numerical method based on a combination of a finite element
method and a finite volume method. For the treatment of moving free surfaces, a
fringe element generation method is used. Circulating flow and elongation in
the transverse direction at the melt front are simulated well. Numerical
results also suggests that circulation in fountain flow and viscoelastic
retardation may give rise to symmetric V-shaped patterns of birefringence
between the centre-plane and wall. Such information on molecular orientation in
fountain flow is important for physical properties of thick moulded products.